On the day of our semi-annual family yard sale, I was incredibly distracted by the antics of Nathan and his "Poppy" so I strayed from the various odds and ends among the tables and racks strewn about in the front yard and followed the ranch boys to the backyard.
Nathan has added "mule" (mee-yule) and "tractor" (tra-tor) to his vocabulary, words that come from the mouth of very few 19-month olds. But given his experiences and interests, one can easily see how that happened.
First, a ride on the dolly. I loved those rides when I was little!
Then the intrigue with the Belle, the mule.
And the harness chains for Belle were like a swing for Nathan.
Then, for his favorite: the John Deere tractor.
Already shifting gears.
(He started out in one of his sister's yard sale shirts because he had creme on his arm where a cactus got him, but once we saw all the picture opportunities, we quickly changed him into the most appropriate John Deere green shirt!)
Grandfather and grandson maneuvered circles on the John Deere around the yard.
As I snapped away, Gayle says to me, "This is making him so happy, and by 'him,' I mean both of them."
My dad said with twinkly eyes, "This is what dreams are made of."