Ah, Max, our sweet cat. I love how symmetrically his feet are tucked underneath him.
I'm really not obsessed with Max, although I see how it would seem that way. Being home so much in the past several months, he always seemed like he was posing for me and I just couldn't help to capture him on camera. He's so adorable and a natural model! I love that he doesn't hate my giant cyclops of an eye following him around the house, continuously staring at him intently. He used to be more of a scaredy cat with my camera in the room than he is now. Now he's a pro model cat, and a handsome, regal one at that! I thought I would post some of my favorite pictures of him resting from the past while. It was nice to have him around with me while I was at home resting, too. I'm back at work now and he gets to continue being a lounging kitty.
Fat, happy cat! He took up the entire ottoman!
I'm equally pleased and jealous of how comfortable he always snuggles in some place.
I don't think he could be more adorable and loving!
Like mine, his nose is often chilled, but he manages to find a way to warm it up.