Thursday, April 11, 2013

Two Scents

Leaving Macayo's Mexican Kitchen after a delightful, relaxing dinner with Kurtis upon his return from a two-day work trip, I spouted memories of visiting him at the nearby AlphaGraphics back in 2001 when we were both students and freshly dating. He had been a key operator there and I was a Picture People photographer. We reminisced about the occasions I would swing by and we'd chat on an outdoor concrete bench while he took his break.

"You had a different smell back then," I recalled aloud. (I had just finished off a deliciously tangy margarita, so perhaps that's why my word choice was "smell" and not "scent.") I clarified, "Not that you ever smell badly, but you just smell differently now than how you used to." We talked about the then-and-now variables, and then I pondered, "Hmmm...I wonder if I smell more like you now or if you smell more like me or if we made an entirely new smell."

Kurt replied, "We melded smells. We smelded."

Still laughing at our "two cents,"