Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Little I Love Yous

Last night, Kurtis and I were cutting, folding, and stapling a "leave behind," as he calls it, for the hopefully-I'll-start-one-day-if-I-have-the-courage-photography-company, Widero Photography, which includes my sister, too! We're both Widero girls! Kurtis designed the awesome logo for me a few years ago for a Valentine's Day gift. He's very supportive and encouraging. That's just one of the many ways that Kurtis shows me that he loves me.

Here's another:

He cut that out with an exacto knife while we were supposed to be cutting! What a slacker! Just kidding!

He's so sweetly good at leaving little I love yous around for me to find; both tangible and simple, random acts of love. I couldn't ask for more.

Love to him,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This post made my heart smile.
I adore the logo tremendously- I love the black/white overlapping with the color! I do hope you begin your photography biz someday. I'd be one of your biggest fans and supporters, too!

(I got a weird-sort of website when I clicked the link...Looked administrator-ish??)

Thanks for sharing these teeny insights into your life. I can see some of why you love Kurtis- and I can definitely see why HE loves YOU!

My bedtime was hours ago. 'Night. xoxo