Happy Easter! This entry is long over-due and is the conversation between a stranger and me last December. Theresa is from Alberta, Candada and I'm from Tucson, Arizona. We've never met, nor had we ever heard of each other before. But we found we actually had more in common than we ever could have imagined two people a country apart could share. It was a poem that connected us-- a little-known, old prayer we both loved as children because of our mothers.
The Poem: (Read it on
Theres'a blog, with her story, too.)
A Child's Prayer
Dear Jesus,
Will you please lean down and listen while I pray;
I like to feel you really near, and not so far away.
Because you love all children, and I know that this is true
Through every hour of day and night please keep me close to you.
For you were once a little child and so will understand
If I should sometimes feel afraid, please let me hold your hand.
When I am naughty and unkind or disobedient, please
Help me to say I'm sorry and say it on my knees.
I've got so much to thank you for and now, before I end,
Please Jesus let me always feel
You are my Greatest Friend.
Gladys Ross
My Response to Theresa's Blog Entry
Dec. 10, 2008:
Dear Theresa Dawn,
Where do I begin? I think the day you wrote this blog, "for some reason," as you say, was for me and my family. Thank you, thank you, thank you for following your heart and recording the sweet words to "A Child's Prayer" on your blog. I'm in disbelief that I've finally found it, thanks to you and a New York Public Library librarian!
When I was 6 years old, I attended a Vacation Bible School and on the last day we got to bring in a show-and-tell. I brought a cardboard wall-hanging that was my mom's (similar to the description that you gave - I wonder if it's the same!) but it hung in my bedroom as a child and I loved it so. I remember my mom frequently taking it off the wall and my sister and I would curl up with her and read it together aloud. It's so amazing that we both loved it as children!
But on this last day of VBS, I got to go over to a friend's house from the church and I must have been distracted with anxiousness. Once we were in the car, but still in the church parking lot, I remembered that I forgot my mom's precious poem, and I asked, but my friend's mom seemed put-out and I was embarrassed, so I didn't push it (and have always regretted not). I remember worrying about it instead of having a carefree playtime with my friend. A couple days later, I told my mom when she was upset with me about something else. "Mama," I said, "while you're already mad at me, I should tell you that I lost your prayer picture."
We rushed to the church and found, ironically, it had been taken.
A couple years later, my sister and I were recording ourselves singing Christmas songs on a cassette tape. I ran to answer the phone and meanwhile, my sister dramatically recited to a tune of her own, "Dear Jesus will you please lie down and listen while I pray. I like to feel you close and near and not so far away." ("Lean down" makes so much more sense now that I know the true way!) Then she ran down the hallway, and the audio tape picked her up saying, "Good-bye! I don't know the rest." This charming memory was the clue we had to go on.
Every year or so within the past decade, I'd decide to hunt for this poem on-line, but I have had no luck at all. Probably because the lines I remembered from what my sister had recited weren't exact - it's like the telephone game, I guess!
Late last night, about midnight, I decided to play around and look again. Theresa, I do not know why or how - or maybe I do - no, I believe it was God. He led me to the New York Public Library website. I guess I felt like I needed a more powerful database that Yahoo or Google and surly they would have one, right? I found a link to chat with a 24/7 librarian. Hey, maybe someone else is up and willing to help me research, and it's free. So I gave it a shot and began a late night chat with a librarian in New York City.
The librarian didn't have any luck after I provided him all the clues to my mystery, but he asked if someone could get back to me later. I agreed but didn't expect much.
Today, I unexpectedly received a response that read, "Hello Dawn Durfey, An Internet search on Google using the words *Jesus"listen while I pray" "not so far away" * yielded a Website with a poem that seems to be the one you are describing:
Harvester of Late Summer Light Blog. Child's Prayer.http://latesummerlight.blogspot.com/2008/10/childs-prayer.html The poem is by Gladys Ross."
Now, why couldn't I have found that?! :c) It doesn't matter! What really matters is that I finally have this beautiful poem to give back to my mother after all this time. I was shaking with disbelief and crying with elation! Could it really be true that there is another soul who has heard of this poem? It is you and your mom! I'm so grateful and just had to express my story and gratitude to you. I know my mother will cry happy tears on Christmas morning, if I can wait that long to tell her. I am so excited! Finding your blog has made my year! You have put the lights on my Christmas tree, so to speak! I feel like I have been given a tremendous gift and cannot belief how it took 24 years for this tale to come full circle. Thank you, thank you! I hope that you have a beautiful Christmas season and that your heart is as happy on Christmas as mine is right now. Blessings to you!
Gratefully yours,
Dawn Durfey
Theresa's Response to My Response:
Dec. 11, 2008
Dear Dawn,
What an incredible story! How amazingly wonderful that your search has finally ended. It stuns me that someone else knew that poem and had a fondness for it as a child when the poem originally came from our mothers! I love the similarities and how our lives can be intertwined when we do not even know each other. That poem seemed magical to me when I was child and I spent hours memorizing it. I wonder if my daughter will do the same one day?
I am glad you found my blog. The world is a smaller place than we sometimes think it is (I live in Alberta, Canada).
You are so very welcome. Be sure to thank Jesus too... :) The Bible says over and over that God is good God and will give us the desires of our heart if we seek Him and ask. I like to take this literally. I would like to email you a scan of the original poem if you would like it. You can email me at bigbite@telus.net if you would like it.
I wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas. I love mini miracles - especially at Christmas!
In Conclusion:
Not only have I found this beloved poem, but I've also found a kindred spirit in Theresa. I so enjoy her and the stories on her blog. Thank you, Theresa!