Friday, December 19, 2008

Santa by the Sonoran Express

He arrived by train yesterday afternoon aboard the Sonoran Express #2349 at the Union Pacific yard office in Tucson, Arizona at precisely 5:00 in the afternoon.

He greeted old and young with that magical way about him. "Merry Christmas!" His eyes twinkled with genuine delight.

He gave packages and listened intently to yearnings and wishes of all sorts. "I want a Wii." "I want my brother to stop teasing me." "I would like to have a nice day with my family on Christmas."

"Always be happy," he urged. A familiar line to me.

Some brought him letters.

Some stared intently at his jolly face.

He hugged each child and said, "Leave me a note and I'll come see you!"

Before leaving his lap, I made sure they each smiled for a picture... or at least looked my way!

Some tried to imitate him. (I don't think the little guy's beard is real!)

Ho, ho, ho!

1 comment:

Denise said...

Fabulous pictures Dawn! No one captures Santa's jolly like you do!