Sunday, June 8, 2008

Meet Red, our Adenium

Our African Adenium plant, aptly named Red for its tousle of crimson blossoms, which we adopted 2 years ago at the annual, world-renown Tucson Gem and Mineral Show (of all places), is blooming so beautifully right now, that I had to take this opportunity to photograph and share his splendor!

Here he is next to Basil, our other plant (yep, we only have 2 right now that are alive). Basil requires a bit more care though, and he had to be moved up onto the chair because the rabbits must have enjoyed his bounty. Red only needs to be watered 3 times a week in the summer, and only once a month in the winter. He's perfect for Kurtis' and my busy schedules and brown thumbs because he is a succulent tree and loves the heat. He's native to South Africa's Persian Peninsula.

Kurtis and I do have ambitious plans to grow green thumbs though! I hope to have a lovely backyard sanctuary in the future like my mom and cousin, Julena do! Our neighbor is a potter and came over to look at Red to get an idea for a custom pot for him. I'm so excited to see what she comes up with because he needs a bigger room.

Happy Summer,

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